Login Instructions

Instructions for hassle-free access to the Lectron Dashboard and easy navigation. Unlock the full potential of our platform effortlessly.

Enjoy a corporate level web application firewall advanced protection system, but still very easy to work with.

Acess Page

This is the login page of Lectron Dashboard, you can enter your login detailes here correctly and click LOG IN

Any Error?

This is the login page of Lectron Dashboard, you can enter your login detailes here correctly and click LOG IN

If you encounter any login errors, please ensure that the provided information is accurate.

Forgot Password?

If you forgot your password, don’t worry you can get it back.
Enter your registered email address here and click EMAIL PASSWORD RESET LINK

After receiving the email

After you submitted your mail address you will get an email to reset your password

Click on Reset Password

After reset

Enter your new password here and click RESET PASSWORD

Your Password is now resetted