Top 10 popular types of DDoS Attacks

Volumetric attacks Volumetric attacks are more sophisticated than their predecessor, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. They can be used to target an internet connection and cause widespread damage. This makes them hard to anticipate & prevent with traditional tools Volumetric Attacks are a type of DDoS attack that doesn’t attempt to affect any data […]

Forward Proxy vs Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy server can absolutely be very useful at guarding your company servers from inevitable attacks. But recently we’ve been hearing people mix-up the terms. The confusion is understandable because they sound so similar, so please read this post for more information on how a reverse proxy differs from a forward proxy server. This […]

A thorough probe of the infamous Great Firewall in China

A famous Chinese site that restricts new naming affects the global DNS framework just as much as the limit on the acceptance of local content, such as long-distance testing for renaming.China’s DNS web filtering service – popularly known as the ‘Incomparable Firewall’ – has long been recognized by researchers under the Resident Lab PC using […]

Second Largest DDoS attack in the record,Micosoft hit 2.4 Tbps DDoS Attack.

The designer tried to discredit Microsoft’s internet service providers with the second major DDoS attack recorded last August. On Monday, the organization announced that it had encountered a 2.4Tbps attack targeting a European-based network. Google has had to fend off some really big attacks in the past, with one clocking in at 2.5 Tbps. DDoS […]