Setting Up an SA-MP Server

Setting up an SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer) server allows you to create your own multiplayer environment in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. This documentation provides a detailed guide on how to set up an SA-MP server on your system, including downloading the server files, configuring the server, managing firewall settings, starting the server, and more.

Downloading the SA-MP Server Files #

To set up an SA-MP server, you need to download the SA-MP server files from the official SA-MP website. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the SA-MP website (
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” section.
  3. Download the appropriate SA-MP server package for your operating system (Windows or Linux).
  4. Save the downloaded file to a location on your system.

Configuring SA-MP Server #

Creating a Server Directory #

Create a dedicated directory on your system to host the SA-MP server files. This directory will store the server configuration and related files. Choose a location that is easily accessible and has sufficient disk space.

Server Configuration File #

Inside the server directory, locate the “server.cfg” file. Open it using a text editor to configure server settings. The configuration file contains various options to customize your SA-MP server, including server name, port number, maximum players, and more. Review and modify the settings according to your preferences and save the file.

Setting Server Rules and Options #

The server.cfg file also allows you to define server rules, such as language, game modes, and other specific options. Customize these settings based on your desired gameplay experience. Consult the SA-MP documentation or online resources for a comprehensive list of available options and their descriptions.

Port Forwarding and Firewall Configuration #

To allow players to connect to your SA-MP server, you need to configure port forwarding on your router and adjust your firewall settings.

Port Forwarding #

Access your router’s administration interface and configure port forwarding to forward incoming connections on the SA-MP server port (default: 7777) to the internal IP address of the server machine. Refer to your router’s documentation or consult the router manufacturer’s website for specific instructions on how to set up port forwarding.

Firewall Configuration #

Adjust your firewall settings to allow incoming and outgoing connections for the SA-MP server port (default: 7777). Create a rule or exception in your firewall software to permit traffic on the designated port. Refer to your firewall software’s documentation or online resources for instructions on how to configure firewall rules.

Starting the SA-MP Server #

Windows #

To start the SA-MP server on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the SA-MP server directory.
  2. Double-click the “samp-server.exe” file to launch the server.
  3. The server console window will open, indicating that the server is running.
Linux #

To start the SA-MP server on Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change the directory to the SA-MP server directory.
  3. Run the following command to start the server:
  4. The server console will appear in the terminal, indicating that the server is running.

Managing the SA-MP Server #

Server Console #

The server console provides real-time information about the server status, player connections, and in-game events. Use the console to monitor server activity and manage server commands. You can issue commands directly in the console to perform administrative tasks or control the gameplay environment.

RCON (Remote Console) #

RCON (Remote Console) allows you to manage the SA-MP server remotely using RCON tools or software. RCON provides additional functionality and control over the server, such as executing commands, managing players, and configuring server settings. Consult the SA-MP documentation or online resources for information on setting up and using RCON.

Advanced Configuration (Optional) #

Server Plugins #

SA-MP allows the use of plugins to extend the functionality of the server. Plugins can provide additional features, customization options, and game modes. To install server plugins, download the appropriate plugin files and place them in the “plugins” directory within the SA-MP server directory. Consult the documentation or instructions provided with each plugin for specific installation and configuration details.

Scripting #

SA-MP supports custom scripts that modify gameplay mechanics, introduce new features, or create unique game modes. If you are familiar with Pawn scripting language, you can develop your own scripts or use existing ones. Scripting requires a Pawn compiler to compile the script files into binary format (.amx). Follow the instructions provided with the scripts to install and configure them on your SA-MP server.

Conclusion #

By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you can successfully set up an SA-MP server on your system. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements and download the SA-MP server files from the official website. Configure the server settings in the server.cfg file and customize the gameplay options according to your preferences. Remember to configure port forwarding and adjust your firewall settings to allow incoming connections. Start the server and monitor its activity through the server console or using RCON tools. For advanced customization, explore server plugins and script development. Enjoy creating your own multiplayer environment in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with your SA-MP server!

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