Managing contacts and bookmarks

TeamSpeak 3 provides the ability to manage your contacts and bookmarks, allowing you to easily connect with your preferred servers and users. This documentation will guide you through the process of managing contacts and bookmarks in TeamSpeak 3.

Adding Contacts #

To add a contact in TeamSpeak 3, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the TeamSpeak 3 client on your computer.
  2. Connect to the server where the user you want to add as a contact is located.
  3. Right-click on the user’s name in the channel or user list.
  4. From the context menu, select “Add to Contacts.”
  5. The user will now be added to your contacts list.

Managing Contacts #

Once you have added contacts, you can manage them in various ways. Here are some actions you can perform:

  • Renaming Contacts: Right-click on a contact’s name and select “Edit Contact.” You can then change the display name for the contact.
  • Deleting Contacts: Right-click on a contact’s name and select “Delete Contact” to remove them from your contacts list.
  • Sorting Contacts: To sort your contacts list, right-click anywhere within the contacts area and select “Sort Contacts” from the context menu. You can choose to sort alphabetically or by status.

Adding Bookmarks #

To add a bookmark for a server in TeamSpeak 3, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the server you want to bookmark.
  2. In the server connection area, right-click on the server name.
  3. From the context menu, select “Add to Bookmarks.”
  4. The server will now be added to your bookmarks list.

Managing Bookmarks #

Once you have added bookmarks, you can manage them in various ways. Here are some actions you can perform:

  • Renaming Bookmarks: Right-click on a bookmark’s name and select “Edit Bookmark.” You can then change the display name for the bookmark.
  • Deleting Bookmarks: Right-click on a bookmark’s name and select “Delete Bookmark” to remove it from your bookmarks list.
  • Organizing Bookmarks: You can create folders to organize your bookmarks. Right-click anywhere within the bookmarks area and select “Create Folder” to create a new folder. You can then drag and drop bookmarks into the desired folder.
  • Connecting to Bookmarked Servers: To connect to a bookmarked server, simply double-click on its name in the bookmarks list.

Importing and Exporting Bookmarks #

TeamSpeak 3 allows you to import and export your bookmarks to easily transfer them between different installations or share them with others. Here’s how you can import and export bookmarks:

  • Importing Bookmarks: Right-click anywhere within the bookmarks area and select “Import Bookmarks” from the context menu. Locate the bookmark file (usually with a .ts3bookmark extension) and select it to import the bookmarks.
  • Exporting Bookmarks: Right-click anywhere within the bookmarks area and select “Export Bookmarks” from the context menu. Choose the destination folder and save the bookmark file.

Conclusion #

Managing contacts and bookmarks in TeamSpeak 3 allows you to conveniently connect with preferred servers and users. By adding contacts, organizing them, adding bookmarks, and customizing their names, you can streamline your communication experience. Importing and exporting bookmarks also enables easy transfer and sharing. Explore the options available in TeamSpeak 3 to manage your contacts and bookmarks effectively and efficiently.

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