Minecraft Commands: Explanation of Basic and Advanced Commands

Minecraft commands are powerful tools that allow players to control various aspects of the game. From changing game modes and teleporting to spawning entities and modifying game mechanics, commands offer a wide range of possibilities. This documentation serves as a comprehensive guide to both basic and advanced commands, providing explanations, usage examples, and tips for utilizing commands effectively.

Basic Command Structure #

Minecraft commands follow a specific structure:

/<command> [arguments]

The command itself is preceded by a forward slash (“/”) and is followed by optional arguments, which provide additional information or specify the desired action.

Common Basic Commands #

Here are some commonly used basic commands:

/gamemode #

The /gamemode command allows you to change your game mode. Examples include:

  • /gamemode survival: Switches the game mode to survival.
  • /gamemode creative: Switches the game mode to creative.
  • /gamemode adventure: Switches the game mode to adventure.
  • /gamemode spectator: Switches the game mode to spectator.
/teleport #

The /teleport command allows you to instantly move to a specific location or entity. Examples include:

  • /teleport <player>: Teleports the specified player to your current location.
  • /teleport <player> <x> <y> <z>: Teleports the specified player to the specified coordinates.
/give #

The /give command allows you to give items to yourself or other players. Examples include:

  • /give <player> minecraft:diamond 64: Gives 64 diamonds to the specified player.
  • /give @a minecraft:iron_sword: Gives an iron sword to all players.
/kill #

The /kill command allows you to instantly kill yourself or other entities. Examples include:

  • /kill: Kills yourself.
  • /kill <player>: Kills the specified player.
  • /kill @e[type=minecraft:cow]: Kills all cows in the game.
/time #

The /time command allows you to manipulate the in-game time. Examples include:

  • /time set day: Sets the time to day.
  • /time set night: Sets the time to night.
  • /time add 1000: Adds 1000 ticks to the current time.
Advanced Command Structure #

Advanced commands often require additional parameters and complex syntax. Here are the components of an advanced command:

/<command> [arguments] {selector} [parameters]
  • Arguments: Additional information or options for the command.
  • Selector: Specifies the target(s) of the command, such as players or entities.
  • Parameters: Further customization options for the command.

Advanced Commands #

Advanced commands offer more control and customization. Here are some examples:

/effect #

The /effect command allows you to apply status effects to players or entities. Examples include:

  • /effect <player> minecraft:speed 60 2: Gives the specified player speed II for 60 seconds.
  • /effect @e[type=minecraft:creeper] minecraft:invisibility 120: Makes all creepers invisible for 120 seconds.
/summon #

The /summon command allows you to spawn entities or objects. Examples include:

  • /summon minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~: Spawns a creeper at your current location.
  • /summon minecraft:armor_stand 10 20 30 {NoGravity:1b}: Spawns an armor stand with no gravity at the specified coordinates.
/execute #

The /execute command allows you to execute other commands relative to specific entities or locations. Examples include:

  • /execute as @a at @s run say Hello!: Makes all players say “Hello!” in their current location.
  • /execute at @e[type=minecraft:cow] run tp @s ~ ~5 ~: Teleports all cows five blocks up.
/scoreboard #

The /scoreboard command allows you to track and manage player scores or objectives. Examples include:

  • /scoreboard objectives add kills playerKillCount: Creates a new objective to track player kills.
  • /scoreboard players set @a kills 0: Sets the score of the “kills” objective to 0 for all players.
/data #

The /data command allows you to read or modify data of entities or blocks. Examples include:

  • /data get entity @e[type=minecraft:sheep,limit=1]: Retrieves data from a sheep entity.
  • /data merge block 10 20 30 {Text1:"{\"text\":\"Hello!\"}"}: Modifies the text on a sign block.

Command Blocks and Functions #

Command blocks are special blocks that can execute commands when powered by redstone. They allow for automated and triggered command execution. Functions, on the other hand, are files that contain multiple commands and can be executed with a single command.

Conclusion #

Minecraft commands provide immense control over the game, enabling you to customize your gameplay experience, create complex contraptions, and automate tasks. By mastering basic and advanced commands, you can unleash the full potential of command-based gameplay in Minecraft. Experiment, explore, and enjoy the vast possibilities that commands offer within the Minecraft universe.

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