RCON (Remote Console) Commands and Administration

RCON (Remote Console) commands and administration in CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) allow server administrators to manage and control the game server remotely. RCON provides a way to execute commands and perform administrative tasks without being directly connected to the server. This documentation will guide you through the process of using RCON commands for remote administration of your CS:GO server.

Enabling RCON #

Before using RCON commands, you need to enable RCON on your CS:GO server by following these steps:

  1. Open the server.cfg file located in the csgo/cfg directory.
  2. Find the line that starts with rcon_password (or add it if it doesn’t exist).
  3. Set a secure RCON password by specifying a password after rcon_password. For example, rcon_password mysecurepassword.
  4. Save the changes to the server.cfg file.

Ensure that you choose a strong and unique password to prevent unauthorized access to your server.

Connecting to the Server Console with RCON #

To connect to the server console using RCON, follow these steps:

  1. Launch CS:GO and open the in-game console by pressing the tilde (~) key.
  2. Type the following command to connect to the server console:

    rcon_address <server_ip>:<server_port>

    Replace <server_ip> with the IP address of your CS:GO server and <server_port> with the RCON port (usually 27015).
  3. Enter the RCON password you set in the server.cfg file when prompted.

Once connected, you can execute RCON commands to manage your CS:GO server remotely.

Common RCON Commands #

Here are some commonly used RCON commands for server administration:

  • rcon say <message>: Sends a message to all players on the server. Example: rcon say Hello, everyone!
  • rcon kick <player_name or steam_id> <reason>: Kicks a player from the server. Example: rcon kick player_name "Excessive team killing."
  • rcon banid <minutes> <steam_id> <reason>: Bans a player from the server for the specified duration in minutes. Example: rcon banid 30 steam_id "Cheating."
  • rcon removeid <steam_id>: Removes a ban by Steam ID. Example: rcon removeid steam_id
  • rcon changelevel <map_name>: Changes the map to the specified map. Example: rcon changelevel de_dust2
  • rcon mp_restartgame <seconds>: Restarts the current game after the specified duration. Example: rcon mp_restartgame 10
  • rcon sv_password <password>: Sets a password to restrict access to the server. Example: rcon sv_password mysecurepassword
  • rcon status: Shows a list of players currently connected to the server. Example: rcon status

These are just a few examples of RCON commands. You can find a comprehensive list of RCON commands in the official CS:GO documentation or community resources.

Disconnecting from RCON #

To disconnect from the server console using RCON, you can type exit or close the console window.

Note: Make sure to use RCON commands responsibly and be cautious when granting RCON access to others. Improper use of RCON commands can disrupt gameplay or compromise the security of your server.

Remember to regularly review and update your RCON password for security purposes.

This documentation provides a general overview of using RCON commands for remote administration in CS:GO. For more detailed information and advanced RCON usage, refer to the official CS:GO documentation, community forums, or online tutorials.

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